The Good News for Basketball Lovers, NBA 2K22 Has Been Officially Announced!

The Good News for Basketball Lovers, NBA 2K22 Has Been Officially Announced!

The Good News for Basketball Lovers, NBA 2K22 Has Been Officially Announced! The official announcement is NBA 2K22 - the latest basketball game in the NBA 2K series that basketball fans enjoy. It was also announced that the stars on the cover of 2K22 MT the game have been made public. NBA 2K22, the new game in the NBA2K series, that has the ability to release a new version each year and was announced on July 14. The game, which has one of the biggest advantages among basketball games, only includes basketball teams from America.

The official announcement of the game has revealed the players that will be featured on the cover. Luka Doncic, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Dirk Nowitzki and Kevin Durant will officially be the cover stars of the game. In addition to the announcement, the official release date for the game was announced. According to the announcement, the game will be officially launched on September 10, 2021.

The game was the subject of negative developments. According to the reports that the PC version will not be compatible with the newest generation of the game. Due to this, cross-platform support is not included in NBA 2K22 this year. This decision was made in order to help players purchase more games. The price of the game for consoles is unknown. The game is expected to retail for 429 TL on Steam. This makes it possible to predict that the game would be released with a price of close to 500 TL on consoles.

Unskippable ads return to NBA 2K, fans angry The NBA 2K series is taking fire again for the appearance of loading-screen ads that are not skippable which appear during the main game. Over the weekend, Stevivor posted that an advertisement for Oculus rode before the usual "episode" of NBA 2KTV that is shown before the loading of a game in any of NBA 2K21's different modes. Players are forced to watch the entire advertisement, as they aren't prompted to Buy MT 2K22 change their line-ups during the loading of the game.