In case you've selected to use the Cash App card and make payment with it, you must be wondering how to activate the Cash App card. It's not tough to activate the Cash App card. However, still many users remain in confusion after completing the cash card activation process. They keep wondering how I make sure the Cash App card is activated.
Here in this blog, you will learn about all the attributes that indicate your cards activated. But before that we explain some of the most straightforward processes you should know to activate a Cash App card.
How to activate your Cash Card using a QR code?
- Log into your Cash App account.
- On the home screen, click the Cash Card icon second from the left at the bottom of the screen.
- Now on the "Activate Cash Card" option and begin the process.
- Permit your mobile camera to scan the QR code found on your Cash App card. You need to hold the card till the same is aligned with the camera. Once the QR code is aligned, your Cash Card will be officially activated and ready to use.
If you take all the steps mentioned above correctly, your card will be activated. Now comes that main question of how to make sure if the Cash App card is activated or not. The first thing is that the Cash App will notify you once your card has been activated. The other important thing is that after you have activated your Cash Card, you'll be able to use it at retailers in the US who accept Visa.
Suppose you've used your Cash Card to buy anything in the United States using your account balance. After cash app card activation, you can also add your Cash Card to Apple Pay or Google Pay if you find yourself without your physical card. You can user this cash card to withdraw money from the ATMs.