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In case you can't get a fruit bat, then bunyip might need to do though that will restrict your excursion as it could only cure 80LP/minute. If you find your trips are too short with a tortoise/bunyip, then you may need to OSRS gold bring Guthans in lieu of Veracs and supplement your Bunyip's healing by attacking Spinolyps.

If you've got an Enhanced Excalibur in the Hard Seers Diary, then it's also excellent to work with there as the distinctive attack has the capacity to heal 200LP every 5 minutes, and also raises defence. Ensure you have cleanses and cleanses left on your inventory for emergency healing i.e. don't summon your fruit bat when you're completely from brews, as in the event that you mislure Rex then it could get nasty. Don't overlook a one-click teleport for emergencies.

I have about... 241k of maple longs in my bank which could double in cost if alched: however.... Another (something like... 3k alchs? ) That was painful. I would be tempted to autoclick if this was not dumb ) But I can make money from slayer, since I have great gear right now. I had 1.5m banked at the present time and I never thought about earning too much money; so, that brings me into slayer, I guess. 241k maple longs that are asking to be alched. Slayer is excellent cash if performed efficiently. Use this, and eventually become one with your cash pile.

There's no such thing as too much cash. If you truly want to make $ though, I'd not use slayer to it because that will greatly lower your xp/hr in slayer. Utilize the best you can to powertrain using slayer and utilize Frosts/Barrows to produce the $ back. If you Frost enough, you can gain despite the losses from slayer powertraining. Slayer is currently not among his more important objectives. I never mentioned anything on Slayer XP. I said powertraining, so for his CB stats, not Slayer level. He should be using other methods apart from slayer to create his $. Slayer should only be used for XP.

I don't see why folks buy corrupt dragon anyway. Sounds like a waste of cash to me. Since Corrupt dragon is the best F2P armour, PKers buy the weapons because they help becoming kills and clanners purchase the armour in order to tank longer. But doesn't it disappear after something like 30 minutes? Yeah it will but it also depends on the way you use it. For instance, if you are PKing and only employing a corrupt dragon weapon to Buy RS gold handle the final hit then clearly your weapon is going to last a while.