It something that I ought to be able to perform

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Knowing this, I am OSRS gold still tempted to choose the inefficient path, and train . When I camp waterfiends, I receive better returns from my bonus xp air, meaning that I want to collect less total charms. When I slay for my charms, I save a huge quantity of time required to accumulate charms, however I will likely have to use my charms without double XP active.

I figure I could just have an opportunity to rank within the top 100 players in summoning when I get 200m at the end of august. I can't determine what to do. Any info?

It something that I ought to be able to perform, I've got all the equipment for such a fight.

Now, the problem here is that I'll hit it with Balmung, taking off a good chunk of it's health and then it's colours activate. From there on, I can not do some harm. It'll only change blue and even when I try to use water spell out (water tide ) it will just wind up missing all the time or doing no harm and the mother will end up continuously shifting from blue to red and back. I can't do any harm to either of these even with fire and water magic...

Eventually it'll stop attacking me personally and will just stand there, leaving me trapped, unless I logout... Any help? The quest fight was buggy as crap since the release of EOC. Right before I did the pursuit in March buy RuneScape gold someone told me at the Sals cc that they could complete the quest without using Balmung at all.