So I hit 99 slayer now... and to be absolutely honest with myself

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So I hit 99 slayer now... and to be absolutely honest with myself, I really don't care much for skilling. My non-combat skills could remain the way they are for all I care. So I'm going to attempt to get to 120 slayer. I'll be aiming to RS gold find atleast 8M slayer xp every month. Anyone have some advice on which tasks I need to block, what presets I should put in my own bank, and whatever I should purchase as soon as possible? I generally either use a Steel Titan on tasks, or even a Yak. Any info on upgrades? Tasks I believe I am doing wrong: Dagannoths- Can I do DKS instead of visiting the lighthouse? Airuts/Kalg- Everyone else seems to enjoy doing these tasks... Metal Dragons- Should I be picking up the bones/bars? Is your Rush of Blood worth ? Morvran's special slayer job? VIP tickets? Thank you in advance.

Since I've been asked to burden in, I'll give you some advice. Obtain the following-Arma/pernix, chaotic cbows. Subj robes/virtus, perverted employees or virtus wand/book. Bandos/torva and drygores or dual chaotic rapiers. Vip slayer tickets (I used about 150 becoming to 104m from 23m). 1k+ sacred overloads. Having t80 helps alot over t70, and t90 melee is an excellent investment. Block/Prefer listBlock-Desert wyrms-Grotworms-Nechs-Jadinkos-gargoyles-kalphites-Additional task when you have sufficient quest points

Prefer-ganos-muspah-airuts-aviansies-cele dragons-elves. It is not worth extending jobs, bypass any tasks which are slow or have very significant numbers (ie 115 iron dragons). Slay kril/dks in case you've boss task as them and/or need gp. Always attempt to have kree/kril or even dks boss job to get bonus xp+reaper points. Have magic/range/slayer quick gear setups ready, with melee/magic as 2 and 1 because you will use them . Use ultimate skills, they are worth it watch hp using berserk. Use bonecrusher whereever possible unless gp is a problem, spring wash all items mithril.

I am no great shakes in battle but these are the things I believe to be quite good (probably not the best but they work nicely ) Melee dual wield = rotate through the basics of both Sever, Decimate, Slice, Punish, (in this order) then OSRS Money use the thresholds Assault, Destroy, Slaughter (+ kick ability or move below the opponent if they are larger than 1x1) in any sequence you like.