Then visit yanille's hunter shop and purchase a hunters crossbow to get 1300gp.

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Then visit yanille's hunter shop and purchase a hunters crossbow to get 1300gp. Return to the adventurer and give it to him. Although I think I'm getting my doubts of your own skill. Can you humor me and kill that giant bird over there? I guess. . .no issue. A bird will moan like the giant roc in the my arms big adventure quest. It'll be a level 105 and assault with variety magic and melee and you cannot use prayer. It'll be quite weak to RS gold melee and poison attacks though.

He is going to be ready. However, that the adventurer forgot to mention that the kebbit king has many gaurds and that you cannot finish off the kebbit king independently. Everything you'll need to do is convince the leader of the elves, Lord Lorwerth, to deliver you a suitable military. You will have to go through the underground pass or just simply walk down the passage located only south of the adventurer. Bring an antipoison in case you want but it's not mandatory. Be careful as sometimes you may be attacked by a level 110 prayer draining kebbit. Continue on preventing traps and eat when nessesary. When you get to god lorwerth

Ahh so that you come back to me? (two choices ) An adventurer attempts an army to help fight a fantastic disturbance in the woods An adventurer attempts a military to help fight off a fantastic disturbance in the woods. Well you have helped me kill that angry man King Tyras in the past so I suppose I do owe you. Thanks, he will be pleased. In fact, I have to go (you exit the conversation). Go backtrack all of the way through the woods or teleport to ardougne and stroll north west.

Talk to the adventurer. Have you gotten an army? Yes! Outstanding! It is wise to talk to the king of the gnomes and determine if he could help. You depart the dialogue and go up to the expansive tree and talk with the king. Hello! What are you needing? (two options) An adventurer needs your help in beating a disturbance in the woods. An adventurer wants your help in defeating a disturbance in the woods

Well you've helped defeat that dreadful man who tried to destroy our tree and you have recovered my military so I suppose I owe you. Thanks! The adventurer will be pleased. Nothing thanks (You depart the conversation) Go back into the adventurer and cheap OSRS gold inform him the gnomes have constructed an army. The adventurer will provide you three crystal pieces. I have done research and found that the entry to the demon's lair could be reached by putting these crystals onto rocks on the floor.