Go to the east to the beat-up, close ruined chapel.

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Go to the east to the beat-up RuneScape gold, close ruined chapel. It is time to fix it. There will be a wall that is proper for a Guthix shrine. Next use the 5 boards on the muddy floor, you will get a wooden floor. Then use the oak planks for the alter you need five because it's a special alter. Use the steel bars to the change and that'll turn out to make steel candles round the change. Finally use the cloths on the pine floor to create a pathway.

Pray in the alter you have made and you will have to defeat a lvl 100 Guthix Rebuilder (essentially like a keeper of balance) Once this is completed....again a different split-screen of YOU praying then (your god) comes in the area, you state"LORD _________(or Just Guthix if Guthix was the god you picked ), what a suprise. I was not expecting you to arrive until the closing -" split-screen fades. You walk from this tube and get ready to climb up.... A lvl 85 Zammorak Wizard starts to strike you, defeat him and get a scroll piece. Read it" 200 Years ago the ancient LORDS of the countries were having a fued amongst each other. Out of the two LORDS, Zammorak was the most wicked and" it's ripped at this time.

You Go back to the Guthix Archeoligist and that he praises you for the aid. He hands you something that he discovered while digging about. WOW its the second part of the scroll" And brutal he did not care for his men, Lord Saradomin and Guthix were fighting him together no matter how much Guthix protested fighting him, thus eventually..." You ask the Guthix Archeoligist why those scrolls refer to these gods because"LORDS". He clarifies that 200 years back Zammorak, and Saradomin were mere Lords of small cities until they got involved in the war that claimed lives of over 100 million people in Runescape. Guthix decided that they were too damaging as Runescapians so he made them into gods so that they were forbidden to fight or even set foot Runescape again, and when this occurred he would rise and ruin them both and their followers

You move outside the tent and visit a lvl 150 shadow in front of you (dont worry you won't have to fight it), the next thing you know you are about entrana together with the shadow before you. . .but currently lvl 200. . .saying please assist me my body, I will pay you much thanks. You eventually agree. You need to generate a clear greatly defensed but light armor. How is this possible you may ask... well here goes.

Go to the east to the beat-up, close ruined chapel. It is time to fix it. There will be a wall that is proper for a Guthix shrine. Next use the 5 boards on the muddy floor, you will get a wooden floor. Then use the oak planks for the alter you need five because it's a special alter. Use the steel bars to the change and that'll turn out to make steel candles round the change. Finally use the cloths on the pine floor to create a pathway.

Pray in the alter you have made and you will have to defeat a lvl 100 Guthix Rebuilder (essentially like a keeper of balance) Once this is completed....again a different split-screen of YOU praying then (your god) comes in the area, you state"LORD _________(or Just Guthix if Guthix was the god you picked ), what a suprise. I was not expecting you to arrive until the closing -" split-screen fades. You walk from this tube and get ready to climb up.... A lvl 85 Zammorak Wizard starts to strike you, defeat him and get a scroll piece. Read it" 200 Years ago the ancient LORDS of the countries were having a fued amongst each other. Out of the two LORDS, Zammorak was the most wicked and" it's ripped at this time.

You Go back to the Guthix Archeoligist and that he praises you for the aid. He hands you something that he discovered while digging about. WOW its the second part of the scroll" And brutal he did not care for his men, Lord Saradomin and Guthix were fighting him together no matter how much Guthix protested fighting him, thus eventually..." You ask the Guthix Archeoligist why those scrolls refer to these gods because"LORDS". He clarifies that 200 years back Zammorak, and Saradomin were mere Lords of small cities until they got involved in the war that claimed lives of over 100 million people in Runescape. Guthix decided that they were too damaging as Runescapians so he made them into gods so that they were forbidden to fight or even set foot Runescape again, and when this occurred he would rise and ruin them both and their followers

You move outside the tent and visit a lvl 150 shadow in front of buy RS gold you (dont worry you won't have to fight it), the next thing you know you are about entrana together with the shadow before you. . .but currently lvl 200. . .saying please assist me my body, I will pay you much thanks. You eventually agree. You need to generate a clear greatly defensed but light armor. How is this possible you may ask... well here goes.%MCEPASTEBIN%