Difference between on-site and off-site technical support

If you have problems with your systems or network, your IT service provider can offer technical support on-site or outside of the company. What is the difference between these two types of support?
onsite support
Off-site support
Most managed IT service providers offer external

Difference between on-site and off-site technical support


If you have problems with your systems or network, your IT service provider can offer technical support on-site or outside of the company. What is the difference between these two types of support?

onsite support

Off-site support

Most managed IT service providers offer external support. This type of support offers both the customer and the service provider convenience and is also referred to as remote or online support. Usually includes video, live chat, email, or phone support.


With external support, the provider can remotely connect to a computer or network to troubleshoot problems. Remote connection software such as Go To Assist, Login, VNC or Team Viewer is required and must be installed locally.


Some of the advantages of external support are:


  1. i) Immediate support


You can get help from your provider regardless of where you are located worldwide. Most providers offer free chat and email support. For phone support, you may need to upgrade to a premium package so the company can call you. If you want, you can call the company.


  1. ii) Data protection


External support is more private because no technician comes to your office.


iii) Timely support


IT service providers generally have dozens of support team members. This ensures that the problem is resolved in a timely manner. If a member cannot resolve the problem, the problem will be passed on to another qualified member or department.


  1. iv) Convenience


Off-site support is quicker as technicians do not have to go to the facility. They can simply offer assistance or connect to the computer or network remotely to resolve problems.


The main disadvantage of external support is hardware failure. Unlike software problems, hardware problems cannot be solved remotely. The support team will do their best to make the hardware work. However, if the devices need to be removed and replaced, you should do it yourself.


Assistance on site

On-site support refers to technical assistance offered at your location. This support is generally needed when off-site support cannot be provided or the user is a complete beginner. Compared to external media, internal media takes longer and is generally more expensive. On the other hand, technicians who travel to your site can perform hardware repairs or replacements.


Unlike many managed services companies, Terminal provides on-site and off-site support in the Greater Boston area. Contact us for more details.