Horse connection. Connects the horse to carriage so that it can move

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Storage area. Where your items are held. The main structure for RS gold the carriage. This must be made first before accesories can be attached. Made from: Any type of logs. Made by: making 4 main supports using a knife with the logs. Then adding several boards to the supports with hammer and nails.

Seat. Where the player sits. Made from: Any logs together with wool and cloth, silk, fur or delicate cloth. Made by: With a knife logs to create a seat base. Subsequently using wool with the base to make a padded base. Finally, adding either cloth, silk, fur or fine fabric with the cushioned base to produce the seat. Prerequisites: at least seven fletching for regular chair base and at least 7 crafting for fabric seat.

Horse connection. Connects the horse to carriage so that it can move. Made from: Any metallic bar. Made by: Using metal pub with anvil to make the connection. Nailed to carriage so the horse can be attached. Requirements: At least 3 smithing for bronze link. So that's all I have come up with so far. Obviously where I have put in requirements, Jagex would turn to be appropiate to players and the game and also, each section would give you exp from the ability it requires. Don't hesitate to comment on the idea and also give any tips which may make it Also: completely flame it if u hate it.

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