Reindeer- To get the reindeer, visit the rear of Santa's workshop

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Reindeer- To get the reindeer, visit the rear of OSRS gold Santa's workshop and then talk to the elve standing at the reindeer's pencil gate. When speaking to him, then enter the pen and detect a claw and pencil similar to the Evil Twin random.

Go back to Santa and watch a short vide where he give you the benefit, then begins shooting the presents. Any hints will be appreciated! Taken from additional Sal's Topics. Not my thoughts.

Its a lengthy pursuit, but be patient, I think its quite good. The quest begins close to the fishing things north of seers village (in between them there would be a house, with garden incl. Strange flowers (non-pickable) and test subjects). Ingredients such as a chocolate saturday, a pickaxe, an axe.

Within the house you will find beakers and substances all over on tables, and also A Professors Head. Talk-to Professors Head. Hello? Oh thank Saradomin, somebody is here! Ah! How did you lose your head? Well. . .It's somewhat embarrassing... Inform me then. I would rather not... Well, in that situation, I'll be leaving now. Well. . .Okay...that I MAY have shrunk myself... Come again? I have been doing experiments on a shrinkbox, to psychologist individuals to fit in you pocket, or to shrink huge items to small pieces, then"re-grow" them . . .it did go a bit wrong...

Do not tell me it split your head from your body. Not quite. . .It shrank my entire body, but not my mind! What? And someone's taken the ingredients to the regrowth formula! Who? I could not see - I had rolled over by injury. All I found was one of these had no arm. One of them? Well. . .yes. . .there were so... Anyhow, now I want a person to buy RS gold get me back the ingredients! Can't you get somebody else?