Is not this overpowered?

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It's possible to RS gold use the new potions on all claws, spears or throwing axes. Infection is marked by (D) following the weapon name. Super disorder is indicated by (D+) after the weapon name. Effects. If you strike a weapon with disorder on, the oppenent will suffer from illness and begin losing 5 out of every random stat. If you hit a weapon with superb disorder on, the oppnent will endure from isease and get started losing 10 from each random statt. Reclyms balm may be used to cure you. It will only use 1 dose to fully cure.

Why disorder? Its under utilized, a cool idea and I like the sound of plague weapons. Why did you choose those weapons? Spears, claws and throwing axes and my favirote firearms, but I don't use them. They're not use a good deal as they're ill effective in comparison to other weapons such as daggers, halbeards and knives. How many doses will player disease take to cure? Just 1 dose to fully heal yourself.

Is not this overpowered? No, it is all random stats apart from the hitpoints. So you might shed 10 runcrafting, but that will not alter how you fight, against npcs it'd only dimish that there str, attack adn defence.

You want to maintain the goblins charging in cheap OSRS gold the gate, if they crack through then the town will fall. Your first objective is to safeguard the gate while General Bentnoze perpares the defence, it is going to take 10 minutes to the gate to be bolstered. When it's been head for the towers and take the goblins with the crossbow.