When you do this, you will have a Ghast in a Bottle

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The Elite Explorer Quest. Requirements: Quests: The Fremennik Trials, The Fremennik Isles, Desert Treasure, Tourist Trap, Monkey Madness, Cold War, Heroes' Quest, In Search of Myreque, Priest in Peril, The Giant Dwarf, The Grand Tree, Troll Stronghold, Lunar Diplomacy, Swan Song Skills: 55 Herblore, 45 Attack, 40 Defence, 65 Range, 77 Magic, 5 Fletching, 55 Agility. Speak to OSRS gold him about his explorations and he will show you a particular cape that only Elite Explorers can have. He'll state to earn the cape, you must do some particular needs; Retrieve a Ghast at a bottle from Mortyania. Slay a powerful demon. Mine in the very core of the Gielenor. Traveling to an opposite dimension.

He'll say once you complete this quest, he'll reward you handsomly. Thus, you head out on this quest. The very first on the list would be to retrieve a Ghast. Talk to Drezel about shooting Ghasts. He will say it's near impossible, but with the right spell and potion, it is possible to catch you. He'll say to mix a Fire Berry (a rare berry discovered in lava) and some Blemish Snail Slime in the Heroes' Quest. .

When you do this, you will have a Ghast in a Bottle. But be careful--if you do not get it to the Wise Old Man within 90 seconds, it is going to escape and take its' revenge on you! To find the demon, you have to discover Glough, from the Grand Tree. He'll say he left ANOTHER demon, a stronger one, but does not know where it is. What you do not know is you want to walk into Eagle's Peak and you'll discover it in a secret cave. You will slay it and buy RuneScape Mobile gold pick up its own head. Bring this into the Wise Old Man within 180 seconds or it will desinigrate!