That's been the biggest benefit of Rocket League

That's been the biggest benefit of Rocket League

"Rocket League is a game that, as it expands, it is still the same game. It is not Rocket League Karts or Rocket League RPG. We don't want to exploit the brand. We want to reward the players, that's how we look at it. "Our vantage point is that if we are going to make a new game, then it needs to be a new game, we want it to be its own thing that's built on its own merit and its own expectations. It will have its own team, its own philosophies and it will be a separate thing."We do have a team internally that is dedicated to coming up with new game ideas. We have several game ideas that live and die in a few weeks, and others that last even longer and we are exploring. For us, what is great, is that we are in no hurry. “We don't have to get something out just for the case of our financial security. That's been the biggest benefit of Rocket League. It has given us the creative freedom to take our time and come up with something else."

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