Then you have to re-build your ship or you can just

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You can even place OSRS gold cannons or catapults in your ship to battle other enemy boats. This could be a part of a mini-game. To sail your ship you need to have a navagator and a captain to help show you how you can steer and operate the ship. Once you get to a certain level you will not need a Captain or even Navagator. You can have different rooms such as cottages, a kitchen (That is where the Chef comes in) and even war-room where you co-ordinate battles (Part of those mini-game see below). Well on to this Mini-Game

Mini-game: Battleship (Looking for new names, but battleship was the first that came into my mind) Goal: Destroy other boats and protected any loot they have. How to playYou set sail with your ship and you can sail into any waters in runescape. You may even have folks from the clan onboard shooting arrows and spells at enemy ships if you do not have catapult(s) or cannon(s). If your ship starts sinking you can try and save it by using planks, nails, saw and a hammer. If your boat sinks that you don't lose any items you have on you, you just lose your ship.

Then you have to re-build your ship or you can just rent one or purchase one from another player or NPC. In addition you get kill-points for killing other players boats in which you are able to purchase things for your ship like planks, navagators, sails etc.. Overall it seems like a fairly cool skill. I'd really like to hear any questions or suggestions which you have with this fantastic new ability! Thanks!

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