So much salt from everyone, I'm excited with this release

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The Legend of Mana is also exciting, I wanted to Animal Crossing Bells play that game ages ago but Nintendo has ever been my console, and so I missed it out.

I'm more impressed than I thought I'd be with all the Mario things being inserted to Animal Crossing but I also need to hear a 2.0 because of the anniversary.

I'm also very happy about skyward sword. It was my favorite Zelda game and that I never finished it due to the movement controls. I am not completely thrilled I still can't just press a button at least now I'll have the ability to complete the story, I trust. I wish they simply left the mechanic totally optional, it destroyed the game for me first time.

I was really excited for the Capcom Arcade Stadium. I had been hoping for having the ability to purchase the games a la carte but I'm disappointed to see that they are only sold in packages, which means that you'll be paying for games which you aren't interested in. And naturally, all of the games I need are in various bundles. Weaksauce.

So much salt from everyone, I'm excited with this release. MG for your nostalgia I'd for playing with my father and brother, and SS because I didn't have the chance to Cheap Nook Miles Ticket play that match.