Madden NFL 21 Tips: Top 5 Catches

The revised Passing and Catching System is THE new feature for Madden NFL 21. The decisions about which pass and catch you want to run must be made within tenths of a second. To make things easier for you, we have put together the five best catch mechanics for you.

The revised Passing and Catching System is THE new feature for Madden NFL 21. The decisions about which pass and catch you want to run must be made within tenths of a second. To make things easier for you, we have put together the five best catch mechanics for you to save MUT 21 coins for high OVR players.

End zone fade
This pass is a good way to bring a touchdown pass to the man just before the end zone. Send a large reeceiver to the hot route (RS up). When he has just defended his defender, he throws a high-pass (LB + Button / L1 + Button) and then carries out an aggressive catch (Y or Dreick). With some practice you can now get nice touchdowns in the corner of the end zone. It works best with large & strong receivers

Sideline Catch
In the case of passports to the side line, for example on corners or out-routes, it is very important that the receiver has both feet in the field when the ball is caught before leaving the playing field. Here it is an advantage, if the Possesion catch (A or X), so that the receiver tries to keep the feet in the field. Especially in the last quarter or before the half time these passes are very important, if you want to control the watch.

Secure catch
In the case of short passes through the middle, especially in the case of 3rd down races, it is also advantageous to carry out the possesion catch (A or X). Because the receiver concentrates only on the catch of the ball and a catch in such an important sitation is more likely. 

Run After Catch
The opposite of the safe Possesion Catch is the Run-After-Catch (X or quadrangle). When the ball is caught, the player tries to turn around immediately and run down the field for MUT coins. Dropping the ball with the foe's opponent contact is more likely here, but if the ball is caught and your free field is in front of you, you have good chances to make yards properly.

Aggressive catch
Do you have a star Widereceiver which is still very large? Then the aggressive catch (Y or triangle) is a very good means. Your player tries to climb up and somehow get his hands on the ball. Even in the biggest crowd you can be successful with this catch and players like Calvin Johnson or Odell Beckham Jr.. If you try to do this however with worse receiver there is also the chance that they make a spectacular catch, but it is much lower.