It used to be that guys like Isaiah

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There has to be ways beyond ratings to NBA 2K21 MT create players"feel" right. With no badges, players have evaluations and distinct attributes. So many gamers would feel exactly the same if they just left it up to those factors to differentiate players. How can you create PJ Tucker feel like PJ Tucker? He's not rated that highly and his physical traits are not good for a heart. However, he is a protector that is interior. I agree that it OP because even out of position defenders can induce misses without playing defense. But the one way to prevent PJ Tucker from getting scored on just for being brief would be to include badges.

The Intimidator badge has been nerfed to get NBA 2K21

It used to be that guys like Isaiah and Kyrie Thomas would get loaded. Even though they had high ratings, they played such as scrubs because they couldn't be forced to perform like their real life counterparts. Adding some of Buy MT 2K21 the completing badges, while unrealistic, made them actually perform as though they split them from actual scrubs that were possibly a little taller which were way better and are assumed to. I really do agree that a few badges need tuning. There are loads of times where a layup isn't blocked by rim guards like Rudy Gobert but they alter the shot in the rim.