Quests for Classic dungeons come from outdoor quest lines

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If you have just got a few hours each week to devote to an MMO, Classic may not be the game for you personally and you might be better off considering modern Warcraft to fill that Wow gold classic Azeroth-shaped hole. Having said that, if you are not especially worried about endgame content such as raiding or max-level dungeons and only want to explore Azeroth because it was in 2006 then by all means, carry on. But if you would like to enjoy everything that Classic has to offer, then you should be ready to devote a great deal of time not just levelling your character however finishing different Attunement quests and grinding reputation to get a few of those late-game instances.

World of Warcraft Classic does not have those quality-of-life improvements which you will be accustomed to in modern Warcraft - or indeed many other current MMOs. For starters, the climbing of enemies is a whole lot less pliable and you may find yourself becoming rapidly overwhelmed it you simply take on more than two enemies simultaneously without preparation. Travelling from 1 place to another in Classic Azeroth is also far more time consuming - flight points are not as abundant as they are nowadays and with in-game gold not as readily come by, you may end up struggling to save even buy your first Riding Skill and bracket.

The higher grind of Classic World of Warcraft pays off with a feeling of authentic progression as you watch your character grow more powerful as you gain levels, gear, and overall experience. You may be wondering if it is worth starting your journey through outdated Azeroth today, nearly 1 year after launching.

Contrary to the modern game, there's absolutely no official'looking for group' system that locates people to play you and teleports all of you to the dungeon. Instead, you're search for party members in conversation channels in major towns or on your guild, and you will all fly or operate together to the dungeon you want to do. And you'll all have to move there -- at the first days of Classic, there'll be no summoning stones at the cases themselves.

Quests for Classic dungeons come from outdoor quest lines, typically from the zones where the dungeons are located. This implies that if you want to do dungeons while leveling, you'll often complete a zone , then try to find a group for that zone's dungeon.

If you are new to, or jumping back into, the buy wow gold World of Warcraft experience, we expect this WoW Classic rookie manual has been convenient. Do not forget to check out our other guides for more-specific strategies on World of Warcraft Classic.