RSgoldfast-And odd things he finds around OSRS gold

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In the game you're trying to steal from the other participant on a list of possibly 5 players that you're delegated to slip from. In this Madden 21 coins game you'll be stealing form a completely random player that is around your theiving level NOTE: the higher theiving lvl the participant gets, the harder it is to slip from him/her. Inside this game there will be a number of new methods to steal from individuals )depending on your level).

For example if you're a high level you may ba able to use a soeacial summoning recognizable made with this minigame. So if you're say a lvl 75 theif you can summon an eagle (or some oher large bird) that an dhav eit go to your target and attempt to aquire the thing he/she is carrying. In the event the familiar is succesful iut will bring you back the thing it has aquired advertisement it will await more orders. If it fails you will lose 1 summoning stage and the recognizable will discount itself out of your own command.

In the theiving stadium there will be multiple places to hide and wait for your goal to stumble upon you and fend you off using ways of. . .well I havn't idea of how he would fend you off. But should you are not successful at stealing from him you will be dealt one fifth of the hit points in damage.

When you have completed stealin gfrom your 5 goals you will be teleported ot the primary area where you can save the things that you have Buy Madden 21 coins aquired on your lender NOTE: if you simply cannot steal from one of your targets and have tried to steal from him/her at least 2 times, you an remove him/her rom your target kist and mov on to your other goals. If you have any questions post them .