RSgoldfast - The OSRS gold game that works hard to upgrade

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So lets say you've 99 theif. . You may go in the maximum lvl portal and you will be at a giant location with hiding places and buildings as well as OSRS gold other things you can conceal in... Well at the corner of the screen there's something that tells you a possibly 5 of your present targets to steal out there may be a theif goal ocate spell (that may be too much like bh however ) an dwhen you find the target you hav emultiple choices of the way you setal out of him such as NEW manners of theiving like possibly for instance you might have a bird to snatch something out of his pocket/overall body and much more ways that I havn't thaught of nonetheless.

Well today I will tell you about the things portal that the things portal is divided into price ranges such as something that is worth 20k and is placed in the lowest part of this theiving arena and things which are 1m to enjoy 4m are put in the moderate level stadium an ditems worth 5m and upwards are at the highest level stadium and they're autimaticaly teleported to a player that has a god theiving lvl so it's harder to get it out of him ( so like if there has been a dchain it would be placed in the inventory of a top lvl theiving participant so it is more difficult to get an dif it is a rune scimmy it woul be placed in the inventory of a minimal level Old school runescape gold player and ect.) But should you get your item people steal from you can't take it out of teh arena OR were/weild/destroy/use it in any way!!!