Hey that is great for me personally

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ROB I sort of get. Being old enough to Animal Crossing Items have been around when ROBs were still a pretty common occurrence with NES's; that thing was a bit of crap and straight up did not do the job for the most part. The 2 games he worked with weren't even great in their own . It just felt odd.

You will find TONS other characters that would have filled his place very well, and IMO, a LOT more suitably. ANYONE probably would have been better than ROB: Krystal, Geno, Ridley, Midna, Megaman, Wolf, Skull Kid, Balloon Fighter, Daisy, Lip, Animal Crossing rep, Vaati, Black Shadow, Black Knight, Isaac, Paper mario, Tails, Bowser Jr, Jody Summers, Little Mac, Simon Belmont, Bomberman...

It's funny how the characters people are not hyped for as personalities are a Few of the most treasured (ROB, Wolf, and DLCs such as Terry, Byleth and today Mythra/Pyra etc).

Beforehand folks get so caught up in the possible along with the hype. But once a character gets in, they're just another fighter at a fighting match. All that matters is them being fun or powerful to fight since

It doesn't mean people don't /wantto play with them. It means people /can't/ play them because otherwise they get punished by the quicker, better characters and the game isn't fun. Ridley was my most wanted first celebration but he kinda sucks, so I use him from spite not cause he's good.

I actually main Ridley additionally! Of course it's still possible to play them. If you are saying the game is not fun playing a certain character, that usually means you don't wish to play them, not that you simply can't. I find some MUs hard as Ridley but on a whole, he is still fun for me and I do well enough with him. The main reason I include him on my list above is not because I really don't like him , but because he does not see much representation despite being one of the best most requested characters in the history of the show

Hey that is great for me personally, I main Ridley too! I just indicate that the neighborhood at large. Every character is still going to have a few players, naturally.

And yeah I would say Byleth is fairly popular, especially compared to how much they were reviled when they had been announced. They've a nice amount of players, a dedicated playerbase, representation online with buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Items the best player on earth at this time, and the general sentiment is they're actually very fun and saucy (when compared with what was expected).