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Add right click"Traveling" into the Sailor in Relleka, and insert it to him Miscellania too. The moment we're attacked, or assault, we are in combat! I really don't know how often I've assaulted a Greater Demon in Brimhaven Dungeon and before it RS gold responds I'm being attacked by dogs so today I am in battle with a futile DOG! Give top level thieves the choice to Stow Off on Ships without spending and I mean HIGH level thieves (like 90?)

Give the choice to try to sneak past the guard in Shantay Pass by using Agility and Thieving, it is absurd I have to cover EVERYTIME to go into the desert (also make this high level)! Give me an choice to demolish my entire house for like 5k! I don't enjoy my current layout and need to ruin all of it at once, k?

Make the DA be like trading. (In other words if both players stake within 3k of each other it will work. So Player A bets 500k and Player B may bet 500k, because they're inside the 3k limitation of each other it may work.) 200 QP+ desired ~Itchimichi. As Soon as You've completed Lost City allow the Leprechaun in the tree to teleport you there (for people to lazy for another Dramen staff or can not find it within their bank)  

Insert a top level agility + power shortcut between Catherby and the Obelisk (for Battlestaff crafting). Insert a"Travel" right click option to Elkoy. Permit us to bring a House Portal to Lletya (utilizes 100 charged teleport Crystals). When utilizing Eluned to bill teleport crystals, have Buy old school runescape gold as many of our inventory as we can pay the cash for be achieved at once, not one at a time!