I'm looking for a portable game to play

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I'm looking for a portable game to EVE Mobile ISK play while I'm away from my pc and now that I think of it EvE seems a perfect fit. Most of it's content is done in semi-afk mode when not even in full afk mode. The only question which remains is just how much of it will be eliminated for its optimization and also how much of the first will probably be monetized. Throughout today's EVE Vegas seminar, CCP Games revealed that EVE: Echoes is its own very first EVE Online-based mobile sport. Previously called EVE Project: Galaxy, the mobile game is being developed by NetEase and is brand new since it is'put in another world of New Eden'. It's not associated with EVE: War of Ascension with each first launch in different markets at different times. The target is to start EVE: Echoes in 2019 for both iOS and Android mobile apparatus.

I refuse to play games similar to this on"mobile devices". Though I have played several, they're on too small a screen. For years we have requested for larger monitors and TV's. Now, we are going in the incorrect direction. I will stay away thank you. Now a wise company would have discovered a way to make this an expansion of the existing EVE world, such as is the case I am informed in Vendetta Online.But we are speaking about CCP here so my guess is this is a brand new, separate game world.

EVE Online's Big Shake Up Can Be Rubbing Many Capsuleers the Wrong Way

EVE Online has carved out a reputation for being the catalyst to get a number of gaming's most interesting stories. Those stories are pushed by the thousands of dedicated players that make EVE's New Eden house. When it's backstabbing an alliance somebody has infiltrated or exploring every system in New Eden, Cheap EVE Echoes ISK Online players have proven themselves to make a number of gaming's most unique stories thus far.