Odds are that the protector will be out of the Ranger's range

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Dragon RuneScape gold Wrap (Nothis is NOT like the Chicken Wrap available at Mcdonalds:aware: ): This prayer circles you in pieces of dragon hide. While doing so, if a spell is cast on you, then the spell's damage will be lowered by 10%. This prayer necessitates 57 prayer level. Now onto the Amulet. This is required to do some charms for F.O.G. Mini-Game.Get everybody in position. Sneaker(s), run to the shed in precisely the exact same way, but now it'll be different. Blocking the shed will be a Hostage Guard, which you will have to smoke or shoot. Inform the ranger and magician what letter it's, and the ranger and magician must decide who will harm the protector. When the guard is dead/stunned, walk past it and then go around high floor. The only problem is, there's a guard by the window you are likely to shoot at, so inform the Ranger and Magician what letter that the protector is, and they will determine who will attack.

Odds are that the protector will be out of the Ranger's range, but it may walk with a window in which the ranger can liquefy it. So just have the magician smoke then immediately make a zipline, and walk into the room with the shield from the window. Get the hat, for you and when there are 2 sneakers, yet another one. Now walk to the Hostage's Room. Quickly input and you/the two of you can start attacking. Now, however, the Hostage Taker is level 194, together with 600HP.

However, the reason he has obtained a reasonably high stat growth is the Magician and Ranger can assist you. A"wound" may perform up to 14 damage, and should the magician smokes it, then it may do around 5. Kill it, store the hostage and choose the exact same procedure to operate to the tent. You will all receive the same reward.

I like Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup, however not a Lot of People do. ( I believe cuz not many ppl see it and there's no themed world for Tai Bwo Cleanup). Maybe more things to make favor can make it fun! Here are my ideas. Diseased and Poisoned Villagers. Spread round the minigame place, villagers sit, which can be a tiny blue or green tinted. Feed them Antipoison or Recyclim's Balm to heal them. Package Delivery. There ought to be a new NPC, which is the customary postman of Tai Bwo, but he has really tired of delivering letters and packages. He can give you a package or letter, which you will need to OSRS Gold For Sale send to a specific individual on Karamja.