Endwalker will be the grand finale, of a story that has been telling continuously for 10 years

In February, FFXIV announced their newest addon, Endwalker. It will be the grand finale, the coronation, of a story that the MMORPG has been telling continuously for 10 years.

The Final Fantasy series is filled with mechanics and ideas that have been reused for decades, from the job system to crystals. One of its more obscure recurring motifs is the moon. Since the early ’90s, Final Fantasy games have turned to the moon for everything from world-ending antagonists to cuddly new critters. Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion, Endwalker, continues the series’ lunar fixation, taking players to the surface of the moon as it wraps the free MMO’s nearly decade-long story arc. Fan theories abound as to what to expect when the Endwalker release date arrives, and we think past uses of the moon could provide some clues.

In February, FFXIV announced their newest addon, Endwalker. It will be the grand finale, the coronation, of a story that the MMORPG has been telling continuously for 10 years. Accordingly, many fans are incredibly curious to see how this story arc ends, in which it is about nothing more and nothing less than the end of the world.

Endwalker is set to conclude the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, which has been running since the release of A Realm Reborn in 2013. The story will take the player to the far reaches of Hydaelyn and eventually to the moon as the long-running story reaches its climax.

Among the updates promised are a few key points, including a level cap increase from 80 to 90, the introduction of new threats including the appearance of Final Fantasy X’s Anima and a new high-level raid in the form of Pandæmonium.

Similarly, it can’t be a coincidence that the featured class in promotional materials for Endwalker is the Paladin, and just as Dragoon Estinien Wyrmblood is becoming a key player in the story. In Final Fantasy IV, Cecil is a Paladin when he journeys to the moon alongside his Dragoon friend, Kain. On top of that, the final boss of the new Paglth’an dungeon is Lunar Bahamut, who first appeared during Kain’s Lunar Trial in Final Fantasy IV.

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