3 Ways About Operation Of Vertical Roller Mill

During the operation of the vertical roller mill, it should be noted that the materials put into the equipment

Control the feed size. During the operation of the vertical roller mill, it should be noted that the materials put into the equipment must meet the milling requirements. Excessive hardness, high moisture or other non milling materials are not allowed to enter the milling chamber, otherwise, the vertical roller mill will be stuck and the lining plate will be worn seriously.

Feed evenly. If the feed rate of vertical roller mill is not adjusted in time, the ore will directly collide with the lining plate, which will aggravate the wear of lining plate. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the ore enters the milling cavity evenly and continuously.

Overload operation of equipment is prohibited. If vertical roller mill is overloaded for a long time, the liner will be overloaded for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid long-time overload of the equipment, reduce the surface stress of the lining plate, and select the appropriate fit clearance to reduce the fatigue wear of the lining plate.