Ultrafine Mill Use Flexible Spoke Gear Instead

Ultrafine Mill Use Flexible Spoke Gear Instead

During the vibration, the spring end and the support produce relative sliding. Because of dry friction, the friction noise frequency is high and the sound is large, which makes the local noise of the ultra fine vertical mill spring position increase obviously. After using rubber spring, the noise can be reduced obviously.

Ultrafine vertical mill has feeding chute and discharge chute. The chute is welded with steel plate. The collision and friction of materials in the chute will also affect the noise of ultra fine vertical mill. Therefore, the noise of chute can be reduced by laying rubber lining plate on the inner wall of feed and discharge chute.

In addition, the fasteners of ultrafine vertical mill shall be checked regularly to avoid additional vibration due to the looseness of individual parts, and the maintenance and maintenance of the ultrafine vertical mill equipment shall be done.