My initial - albeit lost - concern was"oh shit I can not game anymore!" . Where as it ought to have been"fuck how am I going to Animal Crossing Bells do the job?" (I'm a designer/web developer). Evil controllers Makes some cool one handed controllers but they're pricey.
Some kind of elastic controller is the first thing on my buy list when and if I am able to get my customers back or gain new ones. Seeing this gives me hope that I'm going to have the ability to game!
When you are speaking of the community as a whole or don't know the individual both are fine. Some individuals have a taste and some do not. Some people prefer one and some the other. Provided that you continue requesting and adhere with some kind of disabled or disability you should be OK. I myself use both depending on my audience or even how the words flow and don't really care which you use. OP might feel differently but as you asked about more than only OP I thought I'd let you know my feelings.
From my private (albeit anecdotal) experience most'people with disabilities' (including myself) vastly favor disabled people to people with buy Animal Crossing Items disabilities ( which we came to this conclusion separately really says something, I think.)