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Now they're teaming up with the Jazz

SALT LAKE CITY -- Shaka Browne and Lytel Martin had the exact same routine growing up. They would go to college. They'd come home. They'd pop-in NBA 2K9 -- the 2009 edition of the NBA-based video sport -- and could ball online. Five-on-five virtual games. On the weekends, same thing. Play all weekend. Rack up stats. Bucket after bucket. Sometimes they would work 9 to 5. Come home, log into NBA 2K and game. Day after day. Week after week. Weekend after weekend.

Browne (who goes by"Shaka") and Martin (who goes by"Lotty") climbed the global rankings of the NBA 2K9 online community. It was a competitive time with hundreds of thousands competing online. Shaka, whose handle has been"YoungSparks92," watched somebody climbing the rankings with him. "YoungKobe3." Both New Yorkers were linked together afterward. Little did they know that nearly a decade after they would be competing side by side for the Utah Jazz at a professional league for Buy NBA 2K21 MT players.