Are there any new Rocket League codes in Season 2

Are there any new Rocket League codes in Season 2

Are there any new Rocket League codes in Season 2? The answer is, now not inside the conventional sense. Promo codes had been in Rocket League for years now. Codes commonly are found while Psyonix makes an statement, or Rocket League Trading can be hidden in Rocket League trailers. These codes will provide gamers a new banner or name for the player profile, and from time to time other customizable objects.

This season but, there aren't any new object codes. There are two modern active codes for gadgets. Those codes are "Popcorn" and "RLNITRO." The popcorn code will provide gamers a popcorn themed limited boost. The RLNITRO code unlocks a Nitro Circus sticker for the Octane and a Nitro Circus antenna. These codes can be used beneath the extras tab inside the options menu.

The new code for this season modifications the RL Prices menu display screen as opposed to giving an item. Pressing a series of buttons on starting menu will change the Rocket League textual content to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. The code barely varies consistent with machine, but the first few inputs are continually the equal.