Wholesale changes to the jungle are expected to be rolled back at the planned May 26 update

Wholesale changes to the jungle are expected to be rolled back at the planned May 26 update


Here's all of the facts League of Legends patch 11.11, coming next week. Season 11 rolls on, and with it comes a nice balancing act from LoL smurf accounts Riot Games in regards to their own breakneck jungle changes; the balance saga continues.

Wholesale changes to the jungle are expected to be rolled back at the planned May 26 update, as the League of Legends devs look to bed down the popular drifting role. Morgana, Rumble, Elise, and Shaco are under the microscope, while Hecarim -- that was just cowled -- and Graves are getting fans.

Hail of Blades will also cop 11.11 changes. Finally, seven LoL products, from Staff of Flowing Water and Moonstone, to Black Cleaver and service item'Wardstone' are being tweaked again. Here's all the facts League of Legends patch 11.11, coming next week.

Players can expect a couple of hours of downtime when the patch starts. Matchmaking and competitive queues across all League of Legends servers will be disabled three hours before the upcoming Season 11 patch is officially deployed.

Anchor-wielding titan Nautilus is the next League of Legends winner being changed into the jungle at Season 11; Riot has unveiled plans to buy LoL accounts buff the support's evident speed in LoL patch 11.11 to move him to the part. While most of his apparel -- including his Q, R, along with his passive -- is chock full of crowd-control, his E dishes outside AOE damage. The support's tankiness is being struck since Riot try to funnel her towards more"on-fantasy" builds like Lethality and AP. While developers did not share just what their programs were, lead game designer Jeevun Sidhu stated they need Senna players to select"more on-fantasy items."