I noticed this especially

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When yanking items by left-clicking, this happens as well. You click on something, move your mouse to the next thing that you would like to OSRS gold click, but the very first click registers after your mouse moves, causing one to draw whatever the mouse pointer lands on. I noticed this especially when utilizing mousekeys to draw items. I've my Astral, Cosmic, and Law runes in a lineup to make it easy to draw runes to get spellbook swap. More than once I attempt to withdraw said runes, and typically end up with something similar to 3 astral, 0 , 3 law.

Perhaps the most profound effect of this upgrade is about making overloads. It's really hard to explain this in writing. You'll most likely discover that in the event that you click fast, you will withdraw ingredients that you move your mouse onto rather than those that you click .

With the Mousekeys doubleclick, sometimes once you move your mouse pointer after pressing the button you may withdraw 1 of the item you originally clicked and 1 of the item your mouse pointer lands around. This makes it quite annoying to create massive quantities of overloads, since you have to account for lag and either slow down your clicks, or even click in such a way to account for the lag (entails shifting mouse back and forth after clicking). While I do not care about Herb XP anymore (being lv99 today ), I am convinced this will cause aggravation for a lot of people which are trying to get 200m herb. Have you ever experienced any issues with banking and withdrawing the wrong items lately? Have you ever experienced this issue whilst depositing items? Not many of you know me, but thats okay, I am just a low-ranking member who makes their cap every week but does not bother to place it. Anyhow, on to the meat of this subject. Recently I dropped most of my great equipment and money in a hack. I am not begging for something, so please, don't send me things unless you can't be stopped from doing so. After some thought, I determined that I was going to RuneScape gold buy take a small challenge. I will no longer be purchasing COMBAT EQUIPMENT from other players unless demanded by a pursuit.