Game screeches to a stop and bombards me with textbox after

Game screeches to a stop and bombards me with textbox after

I can understand the meseta pso2 issue. The game basically front heaps so much shit that they expect one to read for a match I do not even know if I'll like or not.

Game screeches to a stop and bombards me with textbox after text box and then the intro video, I have to keep talking to people for much more text boxes. Then more tutorials I get by talking to random NPC's round the gateway which I do not remember being led to at the first place for things such as the mag and such. I then visit literally every NPC has like 5+ orders that I don't even know what is happening. So today I am like 30-40 minutes in (likely more) after I even created my character and that I have not even done one mission out of that initial one.

This was all on top of trying to figure out how the menus are even layed outside or work, so I forgot shit. Shit I still don't know whether I can reaccess the tutorials to get. At some point I simply stopped going through this"ease in" process they have you do because it was getting so much to keep track of so fast when all I wanted to do was find out if I even like the sport.

Like with your example of arks missions in the very start, I immediately forgot that even existed due to all the other tutorials it silenced me with (IIRC the minute after you are forced to open the arks assignment page it loads that movie about PSO2). I believed those popups for doing stuff was automatically deposited somewhere until I moved back to look at the arks assignment menu after. Not only that but there's so many things recorded there that I never read through them all so even what it may lead you too were lost on me because I did not feel like keeping up with customer orders/arks missions/tutorials/trying to play with the game so early.

Hey good writeup. Can I suggest an addition? Include a blurb or screenshot about ways to accept customer orders within the field of pso2 buy meseta na battle. It's a helpful feature that fresh players typically don't know about.