Before you go"OMG this topic is agaisnt the rules!

Before you go"OMG this topic is agaisnt the rules!

Before you go"OMG this topic is agaisnt the rules! F2P do not ever never ever get updates!" Hear me out. F2P have recieved plenty of upgrades, I personally am off OSRS Gold an on member, so its not that I want to get mre things, I will manage £3.

I had been thinking, f2p have coinshare and lootshare, but theres no point, it will never actualy be utilized as theres no fall within 50k from any creature. So whats the purpose? What better way than to give f2p a boss monster to really get them drooling at the lips? The problem with the boss is that incorporating a new strong item to mellee will unbalance f2p even mroe, including it to range or mage will jsut annyo the vast majority of mellers, I had to become sneaky....

Blurite Dragons reside in the blurite caverns, to gain accsess you need an"Ice key". To obtain it you need: Red berry Pie. Dragon Slayer is highly reccomended. Just speak with the dwarf in knights sword, then give him the pie for the"odd icicle" aka the ice essential. As soon as you have the key go down to the blurite cave, close to the eastern end is a doorway outline.

WARNING! The ice key hits 1 damage for every 20 minutes holding it. The Keys result is nulified from the cave, your getting struck ones anyway. All aggressive in a multi combat area. Run through this and downa ladder. You enter a big place with a frozen lake in the middle. Around the edge is a two deep square piece of land. Its highest reach with buy osrs accounts cheap mellee is 20. It will never stray off the ice lake and has the following outcomes. In case you stand of the ice lake with over 30kg of items which you risk falling in. Should you drop in the lake you take 10 damage and just take 5 minutes to swim into the side. You then appear at the side of the lake.