The Wear Of The Vertical Roller Mill

The Wear Of The Vertical Roller Mill

In addition, as the ore falls from the heap to the bottom, the bottom ore moves faster and receives more pressing force. According to the principle of force and reaction, the bottom of the shield is crushed by ore. The force and friction are also greater, so the bottom of the vertical roller mill wears more seriously.

(1) Add the bolt protection device. A 20 mm thick round boss is designed at each bolt hole location to protect the bolts.
(2) Clever use of wear-resistant strip(Fig. 1). According to the wear trajectory of the material ore, add a wear-resistant strip on the panel When the heavy plate feeder is running, the space formed between the wear strips will be filled with fine ore and small ore.

The project has achieved good results, solved the problem of the short service life of the vertical roller mill, reduced the frequency of maintenance and repair of the heavy apron feeder, reduced the labor pressure of the maintenance personnel, and improved the operating efficiency of the equipment and the stability of the production system.

SBM, 35 Years of mining equipment manufacturing, provides types of ore feeders around the world (apron feeder, vibrating feeder, chute feeder, disk feeder, etc).