Crafting: You are provided a rnadom picture you have you need to paint a certain image

Crafting: You are provided a rnadom picture you have you need to paint a certain image

Crafting: You are provided a rnadom picture you have you need to paint a certain image on a pice of armor. The nearer you figure out how to OSRS Gold paint the armor such as in the example given to you the greater that the xp reward you get. A problem I see is that the impossiblity of coming up with random images; some fansite can eventualy make a picture database. (that migh be deleted it seems somewhat irrational and irrelevant to crafting)

My proposal is an extension to the mining guild. The extension would be in an entirely new level of the guild, requiring 85 mining to get, but it wouldn't influence the initial guild. This expansion would have 5 runite rocks, 11 adamantine rocks, 14 mithril rocks, and 25 lava stones.

Enchanted pickaxes price 50k and get any ore in a couple of hits but may just get 50 ores before breaking. When broken, bring it to the dwarf in the mines to fix it for a charge of 10k.

Mining rings could prevent enchanted selections from breaking but when the 50 ores were used up, the enchanted pick would function as a rune choice until the following day. For almost any other pick(except dragon) it would be a one-up on the select (ex: bronze could act as iron, respectively;-RRB-. It wouldn't turn a rune pick into a dragon pick but it could give it a particular which can be used once every day. They'd cost 20k.

Dragon pickaxes are 640k. They'd mine faster than a rune pick. They would have two specials, one for mining and battle. Its battle particular would drain the entire bar and hit on the opponant with a more powerful, more accurate attack and Cheap RS Gold would entangle the opponant for 15 minutes. Its mining unique would drain the entire bar. It would find the ore in one hit and could get two ores. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.