There are two bush types. One bush bears the Ecliptic

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If you answer yes then all your armor will be protected by your chosen God. All potions and weapons are also protected. Bandos offers OSRS gold you a huge Hammer, Saradomin gives you a spear, Guthix gives you a spiked shield (it's placed in the weapon's hand, and like the defense cape emote the other hand holds a small shield) as well as Armadyl provides you with the sword. Each weapon is not superior over another, and whichever one you choose, and your demonic blade (if you have made it) are the only options for weapons. As long as you use prayer, you should beat this opponent.

Zamorak's magical attack involves striking you with two fists of fire. Each strike does between 40 and 60 damage. However, the protect from magic prayers can prevent the effect. The melee attacks are more common. They can be as simple as slamming your face or pulling out knives and hitting you with it. They are thwarted by protecting from melee.

Impressive for an outlander. Why did you choose to come to Solar Isle? I'm looking for membership in the Solar Tribe. To be a member you must kill the Ethernal Gardians. They live deep under the Solar Dungeon and in the Lunar Tunnels. There is only one way to get rid of Ethernal Gaurdians.

The only method to kill an Enthernal Guardian is by creating an enchanted potion and then rubbing it onto the Sunrisen Staff, obtained from the chest of the setting sun. To ascend the Steep Rockslide (which requires 45 Agility) follow the path around Cheiftan’s cabin. Follow the path to two massive boulders that are to your east. These boulders are clearly impassable so keep following the path and climb the Barren Sandslide. This will require a level 55 of Agility. You will eventually reach Dakrayial Beach if you climb it.

There are two bush types. One bush bears the Ecliptic Herb. After picking it, you'll be placed in. If you're picked the posion will drain your prayers . It can range anywhere from 2-8. On the other, grows the white herb. It can treat posion and boost your prayer by 2 over the next five minutes. Then, you should talk to A sunburned Wanderer, who is walking on the beach.

What's going on? My skin is hurting... I'm in need of... Niraye juice... find... druid... To complete this procedure, you'll require a bucket, a tool, a chisel and an anti-posion vial (2). Return to the docks. There's East Solar Isle if you go to the east. You can search the houses until you find an Old Druid. Talk with the Druid.

What can I do to assist you today, you young adventurous souls? I thought you might be able to help me locate some Niraye Juice. Yes, I am. Bring me a bucket, as well as an Ecliptic Herb. Go back to the Beach, and cheap RS gold pick from the opposite bush You will be asked to pick.