The restrictions do not apply to the risky crator

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You're evicted to leave a tower or RuneScape gold fort after two minutes. Important stuff. There are four crators, three of which are f2p and the other 1 is p2p. 1st crator: safe for levels 3-60. 2nd crator: secure, members, levels 50-80. 3rd crator: safe levels 70+. 4th crator - dangerous levels 70+.

Drops. Drops will be available at the time you have reached the level.

The restrictions do not apply to the risky crator. Armour: is given based on the amount of time you spend in the game the longer the better your armour, varies on what job you have got, (builder, attacker, defense). These items can be exchanged for boxes from the game (depending on the price), but you can't exchange them once you leave the minigame. You are also able to open your boxes at any point, to see what drop you have got.

You may also ask in your fortress that you join with a different team with 30 players. obviously there will be more revs to win the game, you must get to buy OSRS gold a area where revs respawn, bring all of the attackers to destroy the underground passageway in which the defender revenants will be waiting for you, (they will respawn randomly). Rate each chapter and comment on which chapters you should include.