All your friends should join you in the trai

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It is basically possible to OSRS Items enter the prison at Port Sarim through the Shantai Pass, and you can then remain there. You can ask a friend to bring in novices. I frequently tell them that you can get the Key by donating Donuts to the guards who are sleeping or killing rats.

Dress a person as a God. Give your friend a cloth that someone who believes in your faith would wear. You can then convince the novice to believe that you're a Chosen. You can give him an extra pair. If everything goes smoothly it is possible convince the novice that you have 'imbued' him with magical abilities. This prank can be very effective; it lasted me 3 months.

All your friends should join you in the train. You'll be the leader. find a rude and disrespectful novice, and begin following him, going "choo!choo!" Or something similar. If he starts to protest to you, be sure to follow him. Invite all your friends to get involved in ranting about him. Many noobs become so furious that they offer to pay your services. Feel free to add more!

I am on a quest for 40 range for Ikov to find desert treasure. I trained with rock crabs. Due to the cannons at rock crabs I was able to switch worlds. I had a conversation with a friend and we went to Fremmy rock crabs across from Kelda crabs. I made new friends and discussed school. Then I revealed to my friends that I had the sandwich lady, Ellemaria the queen of divorce and that I had a relationship with Gertrude. They all log out, and then more people join.

We talked about RuneScape. One of them thought that Lilyuffie had died. The other man was curious about what happened to Buy OSRS Accounts Lilyuffie's old man when he passed away.