You will find challenges

MUT 21 Coins, Madden NFL 21 Coins, Madden 21 Coins

Throwaway because I used to work at EA. The studio devs over FIFA are by far the most entitled throughout the company. There's never anything wrong with the game & they know they are the money cow. I've never played MUT but I've got the game through Origin Access so decided to give it a go. The menus in MUT are an abomination, it would make you love FIFA. Opening the free packs I got was this kind of chore which I gave up. To open a bunch you need to mut coins madden 21 open a pack which contains the package, that's your package inside another package and nothing else with it. You have to open two packs to open a bunch, it is insane. The RB/LB to maneuver involving challenges, play a game, shop etc disappear at the time you're allowed to use them and appear when you can not. Menus have loading screens and for some reason sometimes when you transfer between them they conserve your profile, no shit.

You will find challenges you are able to do and completing a set gets you a participant. There's about 5 screens to get to the challenge you need and that includes a loading screen along with a profile save. A challenge may be run for 5 yards onto a first down. You start the drama, run two yards, it puts up a large"Challenge Complete" message and takes you back from this match and provides you a screen telling you you've failed and you should try again. It's such a chore to buy Mut 21 coins actually play the game. This is made all the worse because after trudging through the insane menus that the game will crash 50 percent of time when attempting to begin a genuine match. Get ready to get lagy servers, no win awarded if opponent quits, dynamic difficulty BS, badly priced SBCs, lack of originality in particular players (looking at you French players). Awful pack weight, no Icon SBCs. No Substantial upgrades to Career Mode or Pro clubs. Volta being boring.