What are those plateslegs? Hmmmm, that's what I remember reading in a book

What are those plateslegs? Hmmmm, that's what I remember reading in a book

It's an easy trap! What's the second thing? These are the guys I remember. They were the Juvinates Vanstrom sent with Gadderanks into OSRS Gold Burg de Rott! These Vampyre Juvinates are more powerful than they ever have. They are now level 87 and 91, and they can also regenerate themselves when their health falls below 20%. To take them out, make use of the Rod of Ivandis Special with the Guthix Balance Potion. One will die, and the other will transform into a human.

What are those plateslegs? Hmmmm, that's what I remember reading in a book while Drezel was in training. It was made from an Guthixian text written by Saradomists. Drakan may have corrupted these. This is why they healed so fast. It's worth trying to remove the corruption. What happened to the man that was here?

Uh-oh, you are correct. Drakan can't analyze the Ivandis Flail. Otherwise, that weapon may become useless against the Vyrewatch. Don't be worried. I'll be heading to Meyerditch to meet Safalaan and find out what he has to offer me.

Talk to Safalaan in Meyerditch about the next stage. Show the Strange Object that alerted Juvinates to you. Safalaan may comment that the object is powered by an enchanted diamond however, this enchantment appears to have disappeared. Apply the level 3 enchantment on the object. It's excellent. This device could be helpful for luring vampyres. You claim that the vampyres you encountered near Mort ton were under the command of Vanstrom? Yes. Yes, but I was thinking Vanstrom was degraded.

He is aware that he would like favor, so he enlists the Myreque agent. He plans to analyze the flail. This could be a great idea for us since the agent would like to study the flail on his own. I know where his new headquarters are. The castle's small size is at 13th on a Meiyerditch map. Head to the south end and then turn around, and Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold set up the strange Device. Then, run to the front door and then use a lockpick to it to get inside OR grapple the window with the crossbow.