Alternative modification to initial suggestion

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Why do you might ask? Because it would be OSRS Gold an absolute blast. It would be a great incentive to travel destinations you would not normally visit. It would also be a lot of fun. It would also make the Dungeons feel more RPG-like. It could also make it more difficult to find valuable chests.

Alternative modification to initial suggestion. Additionally, every chest doesn't have to be filled with items, just enough to be worth it to take the scenic route. Maybe 2 out of 3. It is possible to make every item that you receive from the chest untradable. A Strength potion is untradable when you get it.

Argument to counter "devaluation of objects" argument. The chests won't be pursued by more than 25% Runescape residents. If you remove the Skillers and add many PvPers, it is unlikely that these chests will be pursued by any more than 25%. The chances of getting moderately valuable items again will decrease, probably due to the difficulty to get these items. It is unlikely that treasure seekers will bring the items straight to the GE to be sold. Perishable items are likely to be used instead.

Assuming worst case scenario did happen and you had lets say 7 million potions of strength sold all at once through the GE. The price would drop however only until the new supply of potions for strength is used and I predict that this will happen in two weeks, given the sudden rise in demand that would cause, the high number of strength potions serious PvPers need, and he fact there's not enough potions for strength to satisfy demand now. Since they are one-time items, the price would go back to normal fairly quickly. In reality, you wouldn't be able to notice anything.

Farmers plant seeds and harvest the fruits, but farming is so much more. Farmers also tend to animals. It would be amazing to Cheap RS 2007 Gold have cattle, pigs, or, if you're lucky, even a little dragon ranch. An alternative way to look at farming skills and to see the reason for why you are a farmer is to incorporate animals into your farming.