Other Bonuses, Strength: +102 (Normally a max hit of 22-23) Prayer: 6.

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Other Bonuses, Strength: +102 (Normally a max hit of 22-23) Prayer: 6. Some of the areas I think are good training spots... Yaks (level-22) Gains: 50HP and generally easy to kill. Disadvantage: Another dull day in Neitiznot. Flesh Crawlers(level-35). Benefits: Easy to OSRS gold kill, good Rune drops along with a occasional Key Half. Disadvantage: At times crowded, difficult to bank using a complete inventory.

Pest Control. Benefits: Factors = XP. Slayer Master: Vannakka or Turael. Advantage: Good XP for slayer and battle. Disadvantage: Some tasks are dumb (20 cows???) Or hard (200 iron paintings???) . I'm just not sure which to go to... select one from the aforementioned or make your own suggestion!

My goal is levelling around 53 so I could do all quests with farm requirements. I'm level 31 farming and presently have a willow tree growing in Falador and an Apple tree in Catherbery. If I chop my willow for logs do ents and the arms that break your axe come out? I multi-task while on RS and split my axes so often I must carry 3 rune axes in my personal inventory. I plan to put in a tree in Varrock and a fruit tree in Gnome stronghold since they are simple for me to get into in my farm conducts. I haven't started to perform bushes or hops yet.

I'm now f2p I have been training str from 77 to 79 almost 80 im quitting at 80 to get other abilities up but that I will likely grow to be a part soon and I need a skill cape. If I get a skill cape I dont need fletching or cooking however just because it is very easy I want my first 99 to be particular so I figured strength could be quite great. So just how long could 80-99 str take and in which to train?stats: Depends on where you educate, whether your prepared to invest money on pots/good meals while training there, etc..

First off I will just mention - the strength skillcape is almost as popular as fletching/cooking ones these days. These can all be trained cheaply and fairly quick enough if you put your mind to it. But back to your question, the best way to train power. There are a few areas that I'll cite:

This is a lousy choice in my view, however extremely common. Because of buy RS gold the fairly new pest management system, its really not that speedy xp anymore, and it won't get you any hitpoints xp, also will be boring and frustrating occasionally. Id think, playing maybe 2-3 hours a day on average, training from level 80-99 would take around 8-10 weeks at pest control.