First off, here is a list of everything not released

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Jagex is planning to release all Dragon arms and OSRS gold weapons. This isn't the place to discuss their appearance or special attack.

First off, here is a list of everything not released yet, in terms of melee: Warhammer, Short Sword, Hasta, Kiteshield. Wow, that's an even shorter list than I expected at first:box: Let me know if anything is not included.

The war-hammer is likely to be launched along with a new Dwarf quest or area, or perhaps Fremmenik. Its unique attack would prove beneficial in PvP situations such a Clan Wars, Bounty or other similar scenarios. I believe that plate armour has a less resiliency to strikes that crush, and so the war-hammer could serve as a crush weapon. This would possibly be a weaker and non-degrading version of Statius's warhammer which could be employed in PvM situations as well.

Sword. It is possible to argue that the Obsidian or buy RuneScape Mobile gold leaf-bladed swords exist, and are powerful candidates for this weapon. This weapon is like the leaf-bladed sword. I'm not certain what the uniqueness is, however.