Dharok's set lets you reach harder when you have low hitpoints.

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I have been searching for a great barrows armor that I could use the most. I want armor which has a combination between great citizenship (as long as the defence is better then dragon), and great strength. Money is not really a problem I have 17m, but I dont wanna spen over 7m on this armor. I want to know what is the best barrows armor to get. (also, I mostly train aghainst creatures but ocasionally I will go p2p but tht isn't tht frequently ) You have to put on RS gold a complete matching set to get the particular features!

Dharok's set lets you reach harder when you have low hitpoints. It is great to get xp, but maintaining your hitpoints low is not simple, and there's always the probability of dying! Guthan's set has a unique move that steals an opponent's hitpoints, so you don't need to take food. Verac's set can strike through prayer, therefore it is only really useful against monsters of players that pray. Karil's collection is for ranging, so it will not match your requirements. Ahrim's set is for maging, so again it is not right for you.

The monsters are powerful against ranged. They're melee so it would be most efficient to melee them back, after all, you can not plead. I had a worse setup than this and that I did it in level 86. I am sure you can do it. Dragon Plateskirt and square-foot if I do legends?

Legends cape are fine as its economical to replace, I need to perform underground pass and household crest and a few different requirements Could it be worth having 10K of pure ess and 70 attack for a weapon, even when my strength level is going to be 52? Havent done isles however, began up to the point were I can get to yaks... Worth doing? I wish the combat lvl requirement was 70, then I would be right on it and would have roughly 80 mage by now! Ok, I chose to choose 99 fletching. . I have 11 mil to spend.

Level 40-55. From here , I'd go to Seers' Village as that's the best location for people your level and up. If you are cutting your own logs, cut in the place on the map above for willows. Now make 3,082 Willow Longbows (u) for 55 fletching. Level 55-70. Now this is one of the greatest and hardest stretches. From here on out you are going to be stringing all your bows as they provide much better exp that way. Now you will have to create 4,881 Maple Longbows (s) until level 70. Alternative: Instead of fletching all these bows and stringing them, you can buy two times as numerous logs and only fletch the bows. Based on Grand Exchange prices, this could greatly reduce the purchase price. This strategy is recommended in the event you do not have millions of OSRS Gold For Sale coins lying about, but it may be marginally slower. Level 70-80. Ok, now you're at one of the hardest elements of leveling fletching. You'll need to make 8,323 Yew Longbows (s) before level 80, all I can say is good luck because that is a lot of bows.