Now b4 u say go out and hit things, ill tell ya thats not exactly what I ment.

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Now b4 u say go out and hit things, ill tell ya thats not exactly what I ment. Ive done that I hit like 12's with schimmy and 14's with 2h. By way of instance pots to OSRS gold boost str, does rune med provide more str bonus than complete helm, would chain body allow me to hit more, amulet of power or str? Oh yeah, with my lvls and equipment in mind what is a good place to lvl assault and str into 60 rather quickly?

Thus, tomorrow, I think, I'll do this new pursuit: Summer's End. Can I be okay or I'll die like 1-5 times? What do you think? Depends on how you do it. The majority of us have struggle with all the first part, which makes the fire. Heres how you do it the easiest way. You cut on 5 logs, set them into 1 pit, DO NOT LIGHT YET. Do that for 2 more pits, (3 complete ) then start light. This makes it so when cutting the roots, you dont have attacked with more hands for the second and third pits. (ps. Whenever your screen shakes, move from this possition, hes shooting hands in you that blow up and possess quite some range.)

On the next part, iether go use the salt water spa in ogloog(after as a first resort) for infinate jog, or, use a spirit terrorbird and endless run scrolls (or super energies.) For this, just keep running round in a circle until green text pops up stating the dark core has been published, then immediately, run to an entire and use your spade close to it. Third part can be difficult. Heres what you're doing. Pay attention to 1 of the 3 colors that happens between graves. I began with yellowish. Keep your eye in were the yellow dot went, and if the 752 shoots the yellow beam outa its mouth, then you need to click the tomb with the yellow dot in it. This may damage him. Do this for all 3 colors (red green yellow) Good luck. If your a quick clicker, then you need to be useful.

Now that u know my stats ill ask my queries. I hear that pest management gives you exp in a skill of your choice, however for some reason in my end I havent been abale to buy RuneScape gold discover a thing on this website describing just what it is. So insted of takeing the time to place a link or flame me for my inabilitys, just say yes or no. Can I train prayer efficiently af pest control if im a ranger? I know I'm likely to find red dhide for a armor. However what I do not know what im going to use is my bow. At first I was going to use a tee shirt, but read and alot of folks claimed it is unnaturally slow, so I do not understand what to utilize now.I'm considering a mage short, but I lately learned theres a mage chemical. I'm nearly completely clueless here dudes, and this is probably my main question.