I'll preface this by stating that I do not think that it's a bad

I'll preface this by stating that I do not think that it's a bad

It could be the burden of those relative to posture. I know when creating a player in the past like QB not every nation had to be 99. Some stats, like throw power and precision made the total increase faster than state trucking or jumping did. Or they could be a 99 in just a couple of important stats and but lower in additional applicable ones but the weight of these stats created them 99 total. Couple that with participant archetypes that further alters to significant attributes which may describe it as well. They don't just take the Mut 21 coins raw average of all attributes. I'm imagining the factors that matter are plugged in an equation for every place.

EA just does not give a fuck because nobody can compete. Searched around for a repair, seemingly it had existed for months without a fix and EA simply didn't give a fuck because why do they? It is not like you're going to go buy another football game next year. Yeah I havent purchased a sports match because 2013. They are the exact same. Shooters are getting like that also. Where my deceased by daylight lovers at!? I haven't played Madden since 2005. Just like when did they peak? Same question for a soccer game.

Same could happen if it was Epic or Activision. In case CDPR, Valve or any other cherished company did the same, remarks would be wholly different. Edit: Sony did exactly the exact same and the overall reception on these remarks are mostly positive. Stay refreshing, Reddit. I really don't think so. If their primary customer base is African American is does not make sense to promote them at the moment. As they will not be spending right now, as games isn't on there minds right now. Not about respect imo. More or less they're not moving to the stores right now to make purchases. Now using advertising they could use this as a show of solidarity with this marketplace. Maybe this really is the cynical part of me. A nice gesture, but aren't these the very same men and women who censored Colin Kaepernick's name out of a song in a few of the previous Madden games?

I'll preface this by stating that I do not think that it's a bad thing for them to bring awareness to this situation. It is significant that it can't only be ignored by looking away from it. That said, I do possess a certain amount of doubt towards multi-billion dollar multinational corporations paying lip service to important social issues. They're in the best possible place to do more than simply put out a press release or public statement. Obviously, as a capitalist business they're under no duty to do so, and it rings hollow when they try to buy mut coins madden 21 stand in solidarity with all the common men and women. Now there are businesses out there that do things and this is the opportunity to emphasize those attempts; to demonstrate they're more than just words.