The 15 Best NBA 2K Games Ranked by Metacritic

The 15 Best NBA 2K Games Ranked by Metacritic

Advertising in games -- and more than just fictitious billboards, or real-life sponsorships -- are nothing new. Madden NFL 10 started with it on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 that included pre-game ads to promote Snickers more than NBA 2K22 MT 10 years before.

EA Sports introduced unskippable advertisements into UFC 4 (and 2018's UFC 3), in September. The UFC 4 launch was on August 4th on Xbox One and Windows PC. EA Sports eventually issued an apology to the participants and disabled all ads. The company noted that in-game advertisements were "not new to the UFC franchise," but said its inclusion "should have been announced to players in advance."

It's no secret that NBA 2K is the best basketball game franchise. It made a great debut for NBA 2K. This made it a challenge to EA Sports' NBA Live. 2K beat Live so often throughout its history that EA was forced to pull games and relaunch their series. With over two decades' worth of games, it's fun to look back on the times the days when NBA 2K was at its highest. Utilizing the ratings on Metacritic, these installments had the highest scores in the series' history, as it's the best NBA 2K games, ranked.

Updated on June 29 2021 by Kevin Pantoja: Considering the long-running history of the NBA 2K gaming franchise, it's worthwhile to take a deeper study of its past. Every entry has been met with at least positive critical applause, and some have been ranked among the top basketball titles ever put out in the marketplace. It's a great method to know which is the best NBA 2K game.

It was clear by this moment that NBA 2K was a world ahead of NBA Live. The 2009 EA Sports game was solid however NBA 2K9 only added to Buy NBA 2K22 MT Coins an already impressive history. This issue featured Kevin Garnett, NBA Champion. The most important reason behind the positive reception was the fact that the gameplay was as realistic as it was. The gameplay was great as was the commentary and halftime programs. HD visuals were also amazing. It didn't offer many new ways to play.