Tips For Doing Sports With Your Wig

Summer is here with us! After reading the article on the 5 tips for wearing a wig pleasantly this summer, you have decided to start a sport to maintain yourself, let off steam or even for fun.

Summer is here with us! After reading the article on the 5 tips for wearing a wig pleasantly this summer, you have decided to start a sport to maintain yourself, let off steam or even for fun.

However, you wonder if we can reconcile the wig and the sport? Will my wig hold? What should I do when I want to swim? So that will be our main topic today.


Yes or no ?

D-1 before the famous 2018 World Cup final between France and Croatia. You said to yourself this morning, "I'm starting sports today". This is a good start, it shows that you have accepted the situation, you are not afraid of the eyes of others and above all you are thinking about your happiness. Nothing better than accepting yourself. And to add the icing on the cake, we are going to show you how the wig and the sport are compatible. So happy?


The anti-slip concept?

So you can go for a jog in the morning, go to the gym with friends or even practice a combat sport! Know that it is very important to take care of yourself. Even doing a few exercises in front of the July 14 parade on television counts!

In the world of wigs, for several years we have observed many technological developments allowing all sports to be practiced. There is now an anti-slip concept created by NJ Création Paris which will make it possible to hold your wig firmly thanks to a membrane which is located under the cap and which goes around the head.

This membrane can look like silicone and therefore fixes the lace front wig on your head. It also has the advantage of regulating the effects of sweating, which is quite useful if you exercise. When the hair grows back it does not affect the down. The membrane is discreet and made in such a way that you do not experience a feeling of compression in the head. So there is very little risk of the wig flying off!


And in the water?

When it comes to water sports, don't panic, we advise you to replace your wig with a swimming cap. It is generally recommended in swimming pools to wear a cap for hygienic reasons so this will go unnoticed ...

I invite you to consult our site, you will find several colors, patterns and styles. There is therefore a wide choice of ranges, enough to make people jealous and even jealous. Who knows ?