Its all about the consistent feel more than the final result

Its all about the consistent feel more than the final result

It feels great to playwith, but you necessarily become either fulfilled or burned out and stop. It is short sighted and not good for the long term health of this game.True, I could see this being a problem for people trying to return to RS gold vanilla OSRS after enjoying Leagues for 2 months. Personally, I am grateful Trailblazer exists. It's ideal for someone like me that doesn't play the base game anymore, but still likes getting sucked into OSRS every now and then.

Fully agree. Urf made me stop because I couldnt stand the slow pace of LoL anymore (happy I stop tbh), and I quit osrs a number of months before, and playing this, even while being enjoyable, has made me realise I'm quitting normal osrs for good. I'll probably be a yearly league player from here on out.

I'm likely to disagree because in leagues, you're limited to specific areas which subsequently limits what material you have access to. Its not an exact replica of the game using the annoying things eliminated like in the case of league of legends and urf.

Its all about the consistent feel more than the final result. You chase the feeling of accomplishment if you're playing osrs or league long term. And that atmosphere becomes eroded by leagues and urf. To the point that it no longer feels rewarding to play with the main game.

Well is not that kind of the point he's making? It's in a sense fracturing a little area of the community to individuals that prefer only leagues. Not saying it is going to kill the game but saying that you exclusively play leagues demonstrates this point imo.It almost definitely raises the playerbase though as a whole. Both through increased twitch streams and just more people rejoining to play leagues and only end up staying

I haven't played OSRS in a month or two, but this is tempting me to return. How much longer is it operating for?This article is me exactly! Im extremely curious how the following year goes for this game. . Is the peak?

Things I believe could continue to buy RuneScape gold spice it up or be down on this roller coaster which is revival of OSRS